25 May, 2013


If you are or were a pupil in Germany, you know the Bundesjugendspiele (Federal Youth Games) and certainly you hate them. It's every year the same old shit since the 1950s.

My father took part in the competitions in the 1960s and won in 1964 and 1966 in the Dreikampf (three-way battle) Siegerurkunden (winner's certificates).
Here the scan of his 1964 winner's certificate:

30 years later I also took part in the Bundesjugendspiele and won in the years 1994, 1996 and 1997 in the Leichtathletik / Dreikampf (Athletics / three-way battle) winner's certificates.
Here the scan of my 1994 winner's certificate:
Today I've printed on the 1966 and the 1996 winner's certificates two pictures to test whether it is worthwhile to use the paper for palimpsests.
"dreikampf 1966", brasil, 2013
"leichtathletik 1996", brasil, 2013
I think that the winner's certificates are perfect for palimpsests!
I'll use the other three winner's certificates (1964, 1994 and 1997) for a triptych, but I still not know which pictures I'll print on them.

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