26 September, 2014

From zero to infinity - MailArt project

I've participated at the wonderful MailArt project From zero to infinity by Pier Roberto Bassi, Italy.
My postcard is part of the FRAGMENT from 6,40 to 6,80 meters. 
Here is my card (Fragment 6,60 to 6,70):
Yes, it's one of the photos ornamented with flowers.
I'll receive this wonderful card from Pier Roberto Bassi:

17 September, 2014


WIRRWARR 13 – The tale of the female chupacabra

Once upon a time in the village of Carrapateira in the barren landscape of the Sertão Paraibano in the northeast of Brazil lived a young man, who was strong, clever and tough like a goat or as it was called there a cabra. His name was Zelão the son of the brave cangaceiro Capitão Herculano Villas-Bôas.

One day as Zelão took a bath in the creek in the canyons near to their camp, he was observed by a girl called Iara. She was hiding behind flowers and plants, looked quite fervently on him while her saliva ran out of her mouth. She crept cautiously to the shore, took off her dress and dived into the water. He stood with his back to her as she appeared between his legs, soared in front of him out of the water and snapped to his lips. Totally surprised after a perceived eternity of kissing he looked at her smile and fell in love with her. In the same moment she also fell in love with him. Instantly their lives changed. However, more than her life changed his life, because suddenly she attacked him, but not for kissing, yet for biting his neck, his chest, his belly, his hands, his legs, his penis and drinking all of his blood. Actually he should have died immediately, but the love of both saved his life and also hers, because the spell of the chupacabra broke away the second she looked at his lifeless body and a single tear of her dropped on his face. Embracing they dived into the water and were never seen again.

by Fabricio & Radha

14 September, 2014

I dream of ... - MailArt project

Once more MailArt...
I've participating at the MailArt project "I dream of..." by Kultklecks e.V., Germany.
Today started the exhibition at the Civil Academy in Berlin, Germany and at Monday the exhibition will start at ArTik - Die Freiburger Kunst- & Kulturinitiative in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.
Here a picture of the exhibition in Berlin, my postcard is in the red circle (down in the middle of the picture):
Copyright © by Civil Academy

The main exhibition will be at the Incline Gallery in San Francisco, USA and will start at December 5th 6-10pm.
EDIT 08.12.2014 
Here a picture from the exhibition at the Incline Gallery, my postcard is at the right side of the picture:
Copyright © by CULTIVATIVE
And here a video of the vernissage.

I've sent in the palimpsest "in der welt da draussen" which I showed at the Colmeia 2013 event in Blumenau, Brasil. The title for the MailArt project is "I dream of a future".

10 September, 2014

4° Evento de Arte Correo en el MAC - MailArt project

MailArt is coming!!!
Once more I've participated at an Argentinian MailArt project, now at the 4° Evento de Arte Correo en el Museo de Arte Cañadense (MAC) by Rosa Gravino, Cañada de Gómez, Argentina.
There will be an exhibition at the Museo de Arte Cañadense (MAC) in September 2015.
Here my postcard at the page:
Yes, it's one of the original xylography palimpsests which I made two years ago.

08 September, 2014

WIRRWARR 13 @ Ufsctock festival

My new project WIRRWARR 13 is selected for the Ufsctock 2014 festival at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) in Florianópolis, SC, Brasil in October 2014.
See the result here:

Opaaa... Resultado do edital de artes visuais.

Muitos artistas se inscreveram com vários trabalhos, essa seleção foi feita baseada no fato do proponente ter enviado uma proposta clara, atendendo as especificações do edital.
E eles são:

- Gabriel Vanini
- Flavia Coelho
- Fabricio Schmidt
- Lulie Rosa
- Isadora
- Guga Rosa
- Fabiella Torres
- Maria Paula Reschke
- Pedro Correa
- Henry Peyloubet
- Leonardo Furtado Duarte
- Gian Nicola Bianco
- Bruna Konder
- Luiza Christ
- Cynthia Sanches

Obrigado a todas e todos! E sejam bem vindos ao UFSCTOCK 2014!

About WIRRWARR 13:



O projeto WIRRWARR 13 é sobre o amor de duas pessoas, que estão presos no espaço e no tempo. Eles não podem se ver, só podem se sentir. Só uma distância geográfica está entre eles. Pra muitas pessoas uma barreira assim já é uma razão pra desistir de uma relação, mas pra essas duas pessoas das fotos isso não é uma razão, porque quando você sente o amor verdadeiro, então você sabe que não tem barreiras ou fronteiras ou fins. Com o tempo as duas pessoas parecem que eles dormem, que eles crescem juntos com o seu ambiente como a Bela Adormecida. Talvez essa historia dessas duas pessoas também é uma conta de fada, mas você pode ver as fotos, que são documentos desse amor, então eles existem...

_Descrição da obra

As cinco obras da serie WIRRWARR 13 são fotografias que são imprimidos em papelão no tamanho 20x30cm. Quatro obras são horizontais e uma é vertical. Todas as cinco obras são colocadas em molduras de madeira com vidro.

_Como o trabalho deverá ser exposto

As obras precisam ser penduradas em uma parede ou em um biombo. Por causa das molduras de madeira com vidro precisa ser usados pregos pra pendurar elas.

see part 2 here.

06 September, 2014

Hacia un mundo mejor - MailArt project

Yes, it's MailArt time once again. I've also participated at the MailArt project "Hacia un mundo mejor" by Claudia García / Del Riachuelo, Espacio de Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
There will be an exhibition at the Del Riachuelo, Espacio de Arte,  La Boca, Caminito, Buenos Aires, Argentina in December 2014 and January 2015.

Here my postcard at the page:

I shot this photo at the Maschsee in Hannover, Germany in 2005. I've sent in one of the original black&white prints and called it "Un viaje al cielo", in English "A trip to heaven", which is a hommage to the movie "Le Voyage dans la Lune", in English "A trip to the moon" by the great Georges Méliès.

01 September, 2014

Utopian Worlds - MailArt project

Once more a MailArt project where I've participated. It's the "Utopian Worlds" project by Free Oakland UP from Oakland, USA. There will be an exhibition at the Free Oakland UP Gallery in January 2015.
I've sent in a print from the artwork "a bruxa do mar". Another print of this work I showed at the Colmeia 2012 event in Blumenau, Brasil.

Here my postcard on the page: